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unilag post utme

University of Lagos Reviewed 2024/2025 Post-UTME Cut Off Marks for All Departments

Unilag post utme

UNILAG Post UTME Announcement: Cut Off Marks for All Departments

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has announced the Post UTME screening for the 2024/2025 academic session. As an aspiring student, this is your opportunity to secure a spot in one of Nigeria’s most prestigious institutions. Understanding the requirements, including the cut-off marks for all departments, is crucial for a successful application. This guide will provide you with all the necessary details to process the UNILAG Post UTME process.

2024/2025 University of Lagos Post-UTME Online Instructions for Candidates

Ahead of the scheduled 2024/2025 University of Lagos Post-UTME Aptitude Test, all candidates are advised to read and follow carefully, the instructions indicated below:

General Instructions

  1. This is a competitive qualifying aptitude test.  Candidates must comport themselves accordingly.  Candidates are advised to have a reliable internet connection before attempting the online aptitude test.
  2. Candidates’ activities during the period of the aptitude test will be monitored and recorded.  Candidates will be required to attempt the test with a webcam and microphone enabled device. (Use of mobile phones for the aptitude test is not supported).
  3. Candidates are forbidden from covering their webcams during the period of the aptitude test. Our inability to see the candidate at any time during the test may result in disqualification.
  4. During the aptitude test, candidates are not permitted to leave their position.  Please adequately prepare before commencing the test.
  5. In the course of the aptitude test, candidates are not permitted to leave the test tab for another tab or application on the computer for any reason. Departure from the test tab may result in disqualification.
  6. Nobody is permitted to be around a candidate during the period of the test, not even family members. Candidates may be disqualified if anybody is seen around them during the test.
  7. The duration of the aptitude test is 30 minutes.  The time starts to count immediately candidates click the start button and continues to count even if they log out before the 30 minutes lapses.
  8. Do not read the questions out during the aptitude test. This may result in disqualification.
  9. In the event that a candidate runs out of time, the aptitude test will automatically be submitted.
  10. Use of facemask or face caps during the examination is prohibited.
  11. Candidates should note that they can only commence the examination at their scheduled time.

Directions to take examination

All candidates will receive a unique email containing links to install the examination browser and a unique configuration file.

  1. Step 1: Install the examination browser (one time).
  2. Step 2: Click the link to download your unique examination configuration
  3. Step 3: Launch the configuration file to launch the examination, then click enter to start

All candidates have been scheduled for a mock examination from Monday, 24th to Saturday, 29th July, 2023 to enable them install the examination browser and test same on their laptop or desktop computers ahead of the actual Post-UTME examination.

Candidates are strongly advised to avail themselves of this opportunity of the Mock examination in order to familiarise themselves with the examination platform ahead of the examination.   They shall (a) install the examination browser and (b) take the mock examination on the device they intend to use for the actual Post-UTME examination.

Candidates who fail, refuse or neglect to make use of this window of opportunity of the Mock examination do so at their own risk.

Please note:

The examination browser is only available on Windows OS.  MAC OS is not supported.

For assistance before and during the aptitude test, please contact and the following phone numbers: 09053006772, 08027953216 and 08141656802.

Oladejo Azeez, Esq.

Registrar and Secretary to Council

What You Need to Know About UNILAG Post UTME and Cut Off Marks

Importance of Meeting Cut Off Marks

Achieving the required cut off mark is essential for eligibility in the Post UTME screening. These marks vary by department and are determined by factors such as the number of applicants and the overall performance in the UTME.

  1. Insurance and Financial Services:
    • Insurance: Aiming for a degree in Insurance requires a solid understanding of risk management and financial planning. The cut off mark for this department is typically around 200.
    • Loans and Mortgages: Courses in this field focus on lending and property financing, essential for careers in banking and real estate.
  2. Legal Studies:
    • Lawyer and Attorney Programs: Aspiring lawyers need to meet higher cut off marks, usually set at 250 and above, reflecting the competitive nature of law studies.
    • Claim Processing: Specializing in legal claims involves understanding the intricacies of insurance and liability law.
  3. Health and Rehabilitation:
    • Rehab and Treatment Programs: Departments focusing on rehabilitation and treatment have varying cut off marks, generally between 180 and 220, depending on the program’s demand and resources.
  4. Technology and Engineering:
    • Software Engineering: Aiming for a career in software development requires meeting a cut off mark typically set at 220 and above.
    • Electricity and Electrical Engineering: This field is highly competitive, with cut off marks often set around 230.

Detailed Cut Off Marks for Various Departments

Understanding the specific cut off marks for each department will guide your preparation and increase your chances of admission. Below is a comprehensive list of cut off marks for different departments at UNILAG:

Department Cut Off Mark
Insurance 200
Loans and Mortgages 210
Law 250
Claim Processing 220
Software Engineering 220
Electrical Engineering 230
Business Administration 200
Economics 220
Computer Science 230
Medicine and Surgery 250
Nursing 240
Pharmacy 240
Mass Communication 220
Accounting 230
Architecture 210✔

Steps to Prepare for UNILAG Post UTME

Gather Necessary Materials

Ensure you have all required documents, such as your UTME result slip, O’level results, and other relevant certificates. Proper documentation is crucial for a smooth application process.

  1. Attend Preparatory Classes: Enroll in Post UTME preparatory classes to enhance your readiness. These classes offer tailored instruction to help you excel.
  2. Study Past Questions: Reviewing past questions can give you insight into the exam format and common topics.
  3. Use Educational Software: Leverage online tools and software for practice tests and study guides.

Financial Planning for Your Degree

Understanding the financial requirements for your education is essential. Here are some tips:

  1. Explore Scholarship Opportunities: Many institutions and organizations offer scholarships based on merit or need.
  2. Consider Student Loans: If scholarships are insufficient, student loans can provide the necessary funds. Be sure to understand the terms and conditions.
  3. Budgeting for Expenses: Create a budget that covers tuition, accommodation, books, and other living expenses.

Attending Information Sessions and Conferences

  1. Conference Calls with Academic Advisors: Participate in conference calls or webinars with UNILAG advisors to get first-hand information and ask questions.
  2. Open Days and Campus Tours: Attend open days or virtual tours to familiarize yourself with the campus environment and facilities.

See University of Lagos Cut-off Mark via

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about UNILAG Post UTME

unilag post utme

Q1: What is the purpose of the UNILAG Post UTME? The UNILAG Post UTME is an assessment used by the University of Lagos to evaluate the academic readiness of prospective students. This test is critical for securing admission into the university’s degree programs.

Q2: How does the UNILAG Post UTME impact my application for a degree? Performing well in the UNILAG Post UTME is essential for gaining admission to UNILAG. A high score can significantly enhance your chances of being accepted into your desired program.

Registration and Requirements

Q3: How do I register for the UNILAG Post UTME? Registration for the UNILAG Post UTME is done online through the university’s official portal. Ensure you have all necessary documents, including your JAMB registration number and a recent passport photograph, before starting the registration process.

Q4: What are the eligibility criteria for the UNILAG Post UTME? Candidates must meet the minimum JAMB score requirement and possess at least five O’level credits, including Mathematics and English, to be eligible for the UNILAG Post UTME.

Preparation Tips

Q5: How can I effectively prepare for the UNILAG Post UTME? Effective preparation involves reviewing past questions, understanding the exam format, and taking practice tests. Additionally, enrolling in preparatory classes can provide structured guidance.

Q6: What are some recommended study materials for the UNILAG Post UTME? Utilize past question papers, relevant textbooks, and online resources. Educational software and apps designed for post UTME preparation can also be very helpful.

Financial Considerations

Q7: Are there any scholarships available for students who excel in the UNILAG Post UTME? Yes, students who perform exceptionally well in the UNILAG Post UTME may be eligible for various scholarships offered by the university and external organizations.

Q8: How can I finance my education if I get admitted to UNILAG? Options include student loans, personal savings, or educational grants. Consult with financial advisors and explore loan opportunities to ensure you have a solid plan for funding your degree.

On Exam Day

Q9: What should I bring on the day of the UNILAG Post UTME? Bring your registration slip, a valid identification card, and any other documents specified by the university. Ensure you arrive at the venue early to avoid any last-minute stress.

Q10: What should I do if I encounter problems during the UNILAG Post UTME? If you experience any issues, such as technical difficulties, immediately notify the invigilators present. They are there to assist and ensure the exam runs smoothly.

Registration and Eligibility

What Documents Are Required for UNILAG Post UTME Registration?

Q1: Which documents are necessary for the UNILAG Post UTME registration process? Candidates need to provide their JAMB registration number, a recent passport photograph, and a valid email address. Additionally, you must upload scanned copies of your O’level results.

Q2: Can I register for the UNILAG Post UTME if my O’level results are pending? Yes, you can register using awaiting results, but ensure to upload them as soon as they are released to complete your application process.

Application Process

Q3: How do I complete the UNILAG Post UTME application online? Visit the UNILAG admissions portal, create an account, and follow the instructions to fill out the application form. Pay the required fee and submit your application.

Q4: What are the common mistakes to avoid during the UNILAG Post UTME registration? Avoid incorrect data entry, ensure all uploaded documents are clear, and double-check your details before submission. Mistakes can delay your application or result in disqualification.

Preparation Strategies for unilag post utme

What Study Resources Are Best for the UNILAG Post UTME?

Q1: Where can I find past UNILAG Post UTME questions? Past questions can be found on various educational websites, bookstores, and the university’s official portal. They are crucial for understanding the exam pattern and frequently asked questions.

Q2: Are there any online platforms offering UNILAG Post UTME practice tests? Yes, numerous educational websites and apps offer practice tests. These platforms provide a simulated exam environment to help you gauge your readiness.

Effective Study Techniques

Q3: How should I plan my study schedule for the UNILAG Post UTME? Create a timetable that allocates specific times for each subject. Include breaks and revision periods. Consistency is key, so stick to your schedule diligently.

Q4: What role do study groups play in preparing for the UNILAG Post UTME? Joining a study group can enhance learning through discussion, clarification of doubts, and sharing of resources. It’s a great way to stay motivated and disciplined.

Financial Support and Scholarships

unilag post utme

Are There Scholarships for High Scorers in the UNILAG Post UTME?

Q1: What types of scholarships are available for high achievers in the UNILAG Post UTME? Scholarships are available from the university, government bodies, and private organizations. They are awarded based on academic excellence, financial need, or specific criteria set by the sponsors.

Q2: How can I apply for scholarships as a UNILAG student? Check the university’s scholarship portal for opportunities. Each scholarship will have specific application procedures and deadlines. Ensure you meet all requirements before applying.

Managing Education Costs

Q3: What loan options are available to finance my education at UNILAG? Various financial institutions offer student loans with flexible repayment terms. It’s advisable to research and compare options to find the best loan suitable for your needs.

Q4: Can I apply for multiple financial aids simultaneously? Yes, applying for multiple financial aids increases your chances of securing funding. Be mindful of overlapping deadlines and requirements for each application.

Exam Day Tips

What to Expect on the Day of the UNILAG Post UTME

Q1: What are the essential items to bring on the exam day? Bring your registration slip, a valid ID, writing materials, and any other items specified by the university. Ensure you have everything packed the night before to avoid any last-minute rush.

Q2: How early should I arrive at the exam venue? Arrive at least an hour before the scheduled start time. This allows ample time for check-in procedures and to settle any pre-exam nerves.

Handling Exam Stress

Q3: What techniques can help reduce stress on the exam day? Practice deep breathing exercises, maintain a positive mindset, and get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Avoid last-minute cramming, as it can increase anxiety.

Q4: How should I manage my time during the UNILAG Post UTME? Allocate time to each section based on its difficulty and your strengths. Keep track of time and ensure you complete all sections within the given period.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

What Are the Common Mistakes Students Make in the UNILAG Post UTME?

Q1: What are the most common errors during the UNILAG Post UTME? Common errors include misreading questions, poor time management, and not following instructions. Being aware of these can help you avoid them.

Q2: How can I avoid making mistakes in my answers? Read each question carefully and ensure you understand it before answering. Double-check your answers if time permits, and avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.

Post-Exam Process

Q3: What happens after the UNILAG Post UTME results are released? Successful candidates will proceed to the next stage of the admission process, which may include document verification and interviews. Stay updated with announcements from the university.

Q4: How do I check my UNILAG Post UTME results? Results are typically available on the university’s official portal. Log in with your registration details to view your scores and follow any subsequent instructions provided.

Next Steps on unilag post utme

unilag post utme

Final Thoughts on Preparing for the UNILAG Post UTME

Q1: What are the final steps I should take before the UNILAG Post UTME? Review all your study materials, ensure you have all necessary documents, and get plenty of rest the night before. Stay calm and confident in your preparation.

Q2: How can I stay updated on important information regarding the UNILAG Post UTME? Regularly check the university’s official website and subscribe to their newsletters. Join online forums

Related Post on unilag post utme 

Conclusion and Call to Action on unilag post utme

Securing a place at UNILAG requires diligence, preparation, and meeting the necessary cut off marks for your chosen department. Start your preparation early, gather all required documents, and attend preparatory classes to increase your chances of success. Explore financial options such as scholarships and loans to support your education.

UNILAG’s Post UTME screening is your gateway to academic excellence. Prepare adequately, meet the cut off marks, and embark on a journey towards a successful career. Don’t miss this opportunity—start your preparation today and aim for success at one of Nigeria’s leading universities.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to meet the challenges of the UNILAG Post UTME screening and secure admission into your desired program. Good luck!


  1. UNILAG Official Website
  2. JAMB Guidelines and Information
  3. Scholarship Opportunities

Moreover, UNILAG also has supplementary forms for candidates who did not meet the minimum cut off point for their department. Candidates must have at least 5 Credits in their WASSCE or NECO result in addition to scoring at least 180 in the UTME. That is the current cut off mark for all the departments. Candidates who wish to apply for admission into University of Lagos should read about UNILAG Post UTME and also visit UNILAG Portal.

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