A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Become a Nun

Do you believe that becoming a Catholic nun or sister is God’s calling for you and are you unsure where to start? You’ve come to the correct page. Here, you will find out more about becoming a Catholic nun or sister.

This guide offers you a general understanding of where to begin and some useful tips. Also, be sure to check out the requirements for becoming a Catholic Sister or Nun.

How To Become a Nun?

#1. Become a Christian by getting baptized.

A person is initiated into the Catholic religion by baptism, which also prepares them for ministry. Following baptism, you will receive other sacraments that reaffirm your Catholic faith, such as communion or confirmation.

Note that there are orders of different Christian religions, such as Protestant, Anglican, or Orthodox nuns, although the majority are Catholic. You have to get baptized in the appropriate denomination.

#2. You must be single.

You must be a woman without any outstanding vows to be eligible for life in a convent. This implies that you are either single or that your spouse has died. If you’re divorced, consult a priest about annulling your marriage, which, in the Catholic Church’s view, disavows marriage vows.

Note that nuns cannot make vows to other people because, in the Catholic Church’s view, their primary relationship is with God, and doing so could interfere with their devotion.

#3. Be between the ages of 18 and 21.

Many nuns used to enter convents at relatively young ages. Most orders now have strict regulations, so you may have to wait until you are either 18 or 21.

#4. Maintain your mental and physical well-being.

Surprisingly, most orders seek applicants who can fully commit to the lifestyle with both body and mind. Being a nun may require you to perform mental or physical duties, such as teaching. Convents in general require that you be physically fit and free of any crippling mental conditions.

#5. Pray

Praying about this call you perceive is a crucial step. God has given you the sense that you are being called, which is an invitation to a closer relationship with Him.

Even if it is challenging or seems like it is going nowhere, continue to pray consistently. Ask God to show you how He has been there for you in the little things in life. If the Rosary appeals to you, think about reciting it with the express goal of learning more about Mary’s and Jesus’ responses to their calling.

Additionally, read the Bible, especially the accounts of individuals who are attempting to understand how God is calling them and how they should react.

#6. Meet and engage with nuns.

As each nun is an example of how to live a religious life, getting to know them personally is a crucial step in becoming a nun. Additionally, you can start to envision yourself as a nun and see how it “fits” by interacting with nuns.

How can you engage with nuns?

  • Attend a prayer service or Mass at the motherhouse or convent of a religious community.
  • Go on a retreat that is facilitated or led by nuns.
  • Enroll in a workshop or course led by a nun.
  • Volunteer at a convent, which can involve assisting with transportation requirements, planning a craft session, stocking the library, or engaging in social justice campaigning.
  • Find a nun to serve as your spiritual guide.
  • Attend a gathering where there will probably be a lot of nuns.
  • Discover the vocation tales of nuns and sisters who have answered God’s call; each one is distinct and insightful.
  • Create a Facebook account and add a nun as a friend.
  • Visit the websites of ministries that are sponsored or operated by nuns to gain an understanding of their work.

#7. Speak with a mentor.

Discuss your interest in religious life with people you can trust. These mentors may be friends or relatives. Perhaps you have a close relative or aunt you can confide in without worrying about getting discouraged. As you investigate religious life and this sense of being called to become a nun, speak with individuals you know will be encouraging.

Additionally, you might also think about speaking with a priest, chaplain, or nun. These people are there to listen and support you as you progress spiritually.

#8. Contact a religious community.

Religious communities are available to assist you in determining whether God is calling you to their specific community and will accept you where you are.

So, how can one get in touch with a religious community?

  • Ask a nun in the community you are interested in if you know one. Along the process, she will be a pleasant companion and will introduce you to the other sisters and the Vocation Director.
  • However, you can get in touch with the community’s vocation director directly if you don’t know any nuns personally. Her name and contact details are available on the community’s website.

#9. Work with the Vocation Director.

The vocation director is the official person who assists you in discovering God’s call in your life and getting to know the community. One of the people in the community you are thinking about joining is the Vocation Director. It is her responsibility to help you become acquainted with the community and the community to become acquainted with you. She will guide you through every official step required to become a nun in that specific religious community.

You could do the following while working with a vocation director:

  • Meet frequently, either in person or over the phone.
  • Join the other women the vocation director is working with at a vocation retreat.
  • Attend community events hosted by the sisters, such as Mass, special gatherings, workshops, etc.
  • Discover the mission, history, spirituality, and charism of the community.
  • Visit community-sponsored ministries and organizations.
  • Discuss the vows and religious life.
  • Additionally, she’s there to support you, push you, and join you in prayer.

#10. Join the convent.

You and the convent go through the formalities of joining when you have determined that God is indeed calling you to become a nun. These consist of:

  • Aspirancy / Pre-Candidacy
  • Postulancy / Candidacy
  • Novitiate
  • First Vows
  • Final Vows

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What Are the Requirements to Become a Catholic Nun or Sister?

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Become a Nun
What Are the Requirements to Become a Catholic Nun or Sister? – Image Credit: Brgfx on Freepik

#1. You must be a Catholic.

To become a Catholic nun, you must be a Catholic or convert to one. Speak with a pastor at a nearby Catholic parish if you want to convert to Catholicism.

#2. You must be single.

According to the Catholic Church, you cannot be a married nun. Therefore, you cannot consider becoming a nun until you have received an annulment. Note that widows become nuns.

#3. You must not have children that depend on you.

A large number of women who have children go on to become nuns. But the kids can’t be dependent anymore.

#4. You must have no debts during your Novitiate.

Novitiate is often one or two years into the official nun-making process. Try to pay off whatever debts you may have.

However, you should not let things like student loan debts stop you from becoming a nun. You can discuss the next steps with the vocation director.

#5. You must be in good health.

You must have the physical and mental capacity to participate in the religious community’s work. But it doesn’t always mean that those with impairments or managed illnesses can’t become nuns. Therefore, you should speak with the vocation director about this.

#6. You must be between the ages of 18 and 40.

Despite the fact that the age range was once limited to 18 to 25, communities now allow women up to 40, and many even welcome those who are in their 40s and 50s. You should not allow your age to stop you if you’re older, as this is frequently dealt with individually.

#7. Educational and Professional Requirements

While it’s not a requirement, many religious communities do encourage those who wish to join to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Before enrollment, professional experience is also welcome—is also recommended.

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What is the Process of Becoming a Catholic Nun?

#1. Make Inquiry

You can find out where God’s Spirit is taking you with the assistance of a vocation minister. During this stage of the process, you can carry out acts of service or retreat.

#2. Begin Your Application

The application process should begin as soon as you and a vocation director or minister determine that you are strongly called to become a nun. Through outreach visits, retreat weekends, live-ins, and gatherings with other sisters, you can continue to learn about what it’s like to be a Sister of Mercy. 

#3. Pre-Candidacy Stage

After completing your application and receiving confirmation from the Institute President, you advance to the pre-candidacy stage, where you will meet and get to know the community you will be living with.

#4. Welcoming Ceremony

This is a straightforward liturgical celebration of prayer where sisters come together to greet you, pray for you, and encourage you.

#5. Candidacy Stage

You start a two-year candidacy phase after the ceremony. The transition to religious life is the main topic of the first year. The second year is devoted to ministry, theological study, and novitiate preparation. You share a community with other sisters as a candidate. You pray, serve, and meet with corporate ministers regularly.

#6. Novitiate Stage

You enter the novitiate after becoming a candidate. The first year, often known as the canonical year, is a time of profound introspection. You continue to live in the community, study the vows, and pray.

In the second year, you engage in more ministerial involvement and a growing understanding of God’s call.

#7. Temporary Profession Of Vows

After completing the novitiate phase, you make your first profession of vows and join the community. This temporary vow lasts for three to six years. You continue your discernment while serving in ministry or studying full-time. You and the other sisters still reside in the same community.

#8. Fonal (Perpetual) Profession Of Vow

As a Sister of Mercy, you make the final vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and service to the sick, destitute, and ignorant after completing the incorporation procedure.

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General Questions on How to Become a Nun

How do you become a nun?

To become a nun, a woman usually must first discern her calling to religious life, then go through a period of candidacy, novitiate (during which she learns about the vows and the life of the order), take temporary vows, and finally make perpetual (final) vows after further discernment. 

How to apply to become a nun

Applying to become a nun (in the Catholic tradition) involves first reaching out to a religious community that appeals to you, then praying and making your own decisions, working with a vocation director to help you along the way, and finally taking the vows.  

For example, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Can you live in a convent without being a nun?

Yes, some convents offer residency programs for regular people, volunteers, or those discerning religious life. These individuals may participate in community life without taking formal vows.

How do I become a nun?

To become a nun, you typically need to be Catholic, undergo a discernment process, and follow a structured path that includes pre-candidacy, novitiate, and final vows. The process can take several years.

Do you have to be a virgin to become a nun?

No, virginity is not a requirement. However, many religious orders require celibacy, meaning you must commit to a life of chastity from the time you enter the order.

Can you become a nun after 50?

Yes, some religious orders accept older women. While many orders prefer younger applicants, others welcome mature women who feel called to religious life.

How do you become a nun after marriage?

If you were married, you could still become a nun, but only if you were widowed or had received an annulment. Divorced women without an annulment typically cannot enter religious life.

What disqualifies you from becoming a nun?

Factors that might disqualify someone include being currently married (without annulment), having dependent children, unresolved financial debts, certain medical conditions, or an inability to live a communal and celibate lifestyle.

How long does it take to become a nun?

It usually takes between 5 and 9 years. This includes the postulancy (6 months to 2 years), novitiate (1-2 years), temporary vows (3-6 years), and then final perpetual vows.

Can anyone become a nun?

Not everyone is eligible. You must meet the religious order’s requirements, which typically include being a practicing Catholic, being in good physical and mental health, and having a sincere calling to religious life.

What makes a woman decide to become a nun?

Many women feel a strong spiritual calling, a deep desire to serve God, or a wish to live a life of prayer, service, and community.

What is the ceremony called when you become a nun?

The final ceremony is called the Profession of Vows, where the nun takes her solemn or perpetual vows. Before this, there may be a clothing ceremony where she receives her habit.

How to become a Catholic nun?

To become a Catholic nun, you should be an active Catholic, discern your vocation with spiritual guidance, apply to a religious order, go through postulancy and novitiate, and ultimately take final vows.

What qualifications do I need to be a nun?

There are no formal educational requirements, but many orders prefer candidates with a high school diploma or higher. More importantly, you must have a strong faith, good health, and a willingness to live a religious life.

How do you study to become a nun?

During your formation, you study theology, scripture, prayer, and the history of your religious order. Some nuns also receive specialized training for their ministries, such as teaching or healthcare.

Is it free to become a nun?

Yes, becoming a nun does not require payment. However, some religious orders ask applicants to be debt-free before entering. Once inside, the order typically provides for your basic needs.

Are there any certification or licensure requirements?

There are no government certification or licensure requirements to become a nun.

How long does it take to become a nun?

In each faith, nuns spend many years studying and participating in the life of their monastery before they can take their final vows.

What does a nun earn?

Nuns devote themselves to lives of poverty and simplicity. Unless they perform an additional job, such as working as a teacher or doctor, they do not collect a salary. Some nuns support their monasteries by selling products they have made, but in many cases, the daily needs of nuns, such as housing and food, are provided for by their religious community. 

Buddhist nuns in the United States, however, may not have this community support as Buddhism is not a major religion in the country and the structure to support monastics is still being established.

What are the job prospects?

The number of Catholic nuns in the United States has declined over the past several decades, and the average age of a Catholic nun in 2012 was 74. Many orders of nuns are eager to accept novices, and while in the past aspiring Catholic nuns were required to be between the ages of 18 and 25, older aspirants are being accepted as well.

What are the long-term career prospects for nuns?

Once they take their final vows, nuns are expected to spend their entire lives devoted to their faith. Throughout their lives, nuns study the teachings of their faith and may become teachers to novice nuns in their order or monastery. Some nuns become the leaders of their monastery, abbey, or convent, directing the activities of their sisters.

In the Orthodox church, nuns who have shown excellence in their service are granted the Great Schema, which some nuns achieve only on their deathbed.

Because the support system for Buddhist monastics in the United States is still growing and evolving, nuns can play an important role in establishing new viharas and nunneries.

How can I find a job as a nun?

If you are interested in becoming a nun, you can start communicating with a monastery, convent, abbey, or vihara. In most cases, if the nuns at the monastery you are interested in feel you may be a good fit, you will be able to spend some time there living the life of the monastery. Becoming fully accepted as a religious or monastic depends on the progress you make in your religious studies and on your compatibility with the life of a nun.

How can I learn more about becoming a nun?

You can learn more about becoming a nun by speaking with nuns of your faith. There are now many ways you can make contact with nuns through the internet, or you can locate nuns in your community. They can talk to you about the path that led them to become nuns and give you counsel on your path.

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